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  • Torfinn Sirnes

More great reviews

More reviews of our concept album "The History of Heavy Metal" have been published. We are humble, proud and happy to see the album being received so well!

"This homage is really amazing, and SLAVES TO FASHION deserves applause. “The History of Heavy Metal” is one of the best tributes of all times."

- METAL TEMPLE (link to review)

"Very rarely do I have albums on the table to review, where I get really emotional in a strange and very positive way, because listening inevitably gives the feeling that a smaller, unknown band has not only invested absolutely abnormal amounts of work and passion, but also created something damn big. The self-release “The History Of Heavy Metal” by SLAVES OF FASHION is such an album."

- ROCK GARAGE (link)

"A great celebration of fifty years of constantly evolving music."


"If you take it on face value, then this is a great metal album with a collection of excellent songs, superb guitar and a wonderful singer and the variety with the delivery makes for great fun."


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