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Slaves To Fashion - The History of Heavy


FROM 1970 TO 2020 






Anchor 1

Release date: February 13th 2020

Our first single honors and pays tribute to the legendary early bands of heavy metal: Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. It was recorded on vintage gear and analoge tape machines to capture the right vibe of the good old days. We love our guest musicians on this one so we hope you like the song!


Johannes Støle: lead vocals, hammond B3

Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, bridge lead vocal, mellotron

Geir Thorstensen: drums

Ole Øvstedal: first and third guitar solo, additional bridge guitars

Daniel Palmqvist: second guitar solo

Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Bridge arranged by Ole Øvstedal

Basic tracks engineered by Dag Erik Andersen at Athletic Sound, Halden

Mixed by Espen Andersen at Cederberg Studios, Kristiansand

Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio, Oslo

Cover art by Alf Dale Wold

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Anchor 2
The Priest of Maidenhead

Release date: March 22nd 2020

Heavy metal was born in 1970. Ten years later, the genre was already grown up! Bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Motörhead were extremely important in cementing heavy metal as a distinct genre and subculture. Our second single pays tribute to the classic heavy metal from the beginning of the 1980's. Irons up!


Mads Pedersen: lead vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitars, melody guitars, first and second guitar solo

Bernt Jansen: bass

Vidar Ingvaldsen: drums

Daniel Palmqvist: third guitar solo

Dag Erik Johansen: "Fast Eddie" Clark guitar fills


Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Basic tracks engineered by Dag Erik Johansen at Athletic Sound, Halden

Mixed by Rudolf Fredly at Sweetspot Studio, Vedavågen, Norway

Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio, Oslo

Cover art by Dimitar Nikolov 

Anchor 3
Sex, Drugs & Rock 'N' Roll

Release date: April 24th 2020

As heavy metal was established as a distinct genre and subculture in the early 1980's, different subgenres started to develop. One of them was the controversial bastard between pop and heavy metal: glam metal, also called hair metal. These bands ruled the charts and MTV in the second half of the decade with catchy choruses and distorted guitar riffs. Let's party all night long!


Johannes Støle: lead and backing vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: guitars

Bernt Jansen: bass

Vidar Ingvaldsen: drums

Steffen Horn: keyboards

Mads Pedersen: backing vocals


Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Basic tracks engineered by Dag Erik Johansen at Athletic Sound

Additional editing by Rudolf Fredly

Mixed by Beau Hill

Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio

Cover art by Torfinn Sirnes

Band logo and song title fonts by Imagex fonts

Lyric video by Absynthe Moon Films

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Anchor 4
Thrash of the Titans

Release date: May 29th 2020


In the 1980's different extreme metal subgenres emerged as the music became faster, heavier and more extreme than the classic form of heavy metal. Spearheaded by Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax the fast and furious thrash metal became the most popular extreme metal genre. Our fourth single pays tribute to the classic thrash metal bands of the 80's. Show No Mercy! Kill 'Em All!


Mads Pedersen: lead vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitars, clean guitars and first solo

Stein Arild Grønås: rhythm guitar and third solo

Daniel Palmqvist: second guitar solo

John Lind: bass

Trygve André Tvedt: drums

Shout vocals by Johannes Støle, Stein Arild Grønås and Torfinn Sirnes


Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Drums engineered by Wolfgang B. Ognøy

Vocals engineered by Rudolf Fredly

Additional editing by Rudolf Fredly

Mixed by Flemming Rasmussen at Sweet Silence Studios, Copenhagen

Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio

Cover art by Dimitar Nikolov

Lyric video by Absynthe Moon Films

Anchor 5
Expressions of Extremity

Release date: June 26th 2020


As heavy metal evolved in the 1980's and early 90's different extreme metal subgenres emerged with distinct creative musical and lyrical traits. This is our humble interpretation of the genres speed metal, doom metal, death metal, grindcore and black metal respectively:

1. Speed of Light

2. At the Gates of Doom

3. Scent of Death

4. Grind to the Core

5. Black Nights of Northern Darkness


César Moreira: lead vocals (2, 3, 5)

Geir Arne Haaland Nordhus: lead vocals (1)

Johannes Støle: clean lead vocals (2)

Marco Alvarado: lead vocals (4)

Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm and lead guitars (1-5), bass (1, 2, 4), keyboards

Stein Arild Grønås: rhythm and lead guitars (2, 3)

John Lind: bass (3, 5), guitars (5)

Hugo Ribeiro: drums (1, 3, 5)

Vidar Ingvaldsen: drums (2, 4)

Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

"Speed of Light" mixed by Vidar Ingvaldsen

"At the Gates of Doom" mixed by Rudolf Fredly

"Scent of Death" and "Grind to the Core" mixed by Stein Arild Grønås

"Black Knights of Northern Darkness" mixed by Torfinn Sirnes

Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio

Cover art by Torfinn Sirnes

Photo by Alvaro German Vilela

Logo by Wormhole Design / Alice Malvisi

Lyric video by Absynthe Moon Films

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Anchor 6
Garden of Chains

Release date: July 23rd 2020


In the beginning of the 1990's a musical revolution shooked the heavy metal community as grunge became the most popular genre of heavy music. It was hated by some metal fans because of the stripped down sound and image, depressing lyrics and alternative attitude. Still, bands like Alice in Chains and Soundgarden are very heavy sounding musically and grunge are therefore an important part of the history of heavy metal.


Mads Pedersen: lead vocals

Johannes Støle: harmony vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitars, bass

Stein Arild Grønås: rhythm and lead guitars

Ole Øvstedal: lead guitars and mellotron

Geir Thorstensen: drums

Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Mixed by Stein Arild Grønås

Basic tracks engineered by Dag Erik Johansen at Athletic Sound

Lead vocals engineered by Rudolf Fredly at Sweetspot studio

Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio

Cover art by Lavidhi Arsyad and Torfinn Sirnes

Lyric video by Absynthe Moon Films

Anchor 7
The Evergrowing Tree

Release date: August 27th 2020


Progressive metal merged the progressive rock of the 70's with the heavy metal of the 80's. The genre

gained popularity in the early 90's and has since  

taken a lot of different directions. At about the same time a creative wave of new subgenres in many variations swept ashore in the metal community. Some of them were different forms of alternative metal while others explored and extended different types of extreme metal.

We decided to pay tribute to this highly creative period in the history of heavy metal with a progressive opus in three parts:

Part I: Progressive Power

Part II: Alternative Alternatives

Part III: Extreme Evolution


Johannes Støle: clean lead vocals, synth solos, keyboards

César Moreira: extreme lead vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: guitars, keyboards

Daniel Palmqvist: guitar solos

Roger Pedersen: fusion guitar solo

Rudolf Fredly: bass

Hugo Ribeiro: drums


Haris Dekanović: lead vocals

César Moreira: extreme background vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: guitars 

Vini Assis: "Dimebag" guitar solo

Stein Arild Grønås: second "death 'n' roll" guitar solo

Eirik Solheim: bass inspiration

Ståle Gismarvik: bass

Hugo Ribeiro: drums


Ernst Eielsen: lead vocals

Johannes Støle: lead vocals

César Moreira: extreme lead vocals

Kirsten Jørgensen: female vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: guitars, keyboards, german vocals

Steffen Horn: piano 

John Lind: bass

Hugo Ribeiro: drums

Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Written by Torfnn Sirnes and Johannes Støle

Mixed by Stein Arild Grønås

Mastered by Christian Obermayer at Strype Audio

Symphonic black metal part mastered by Rudolf Fredly at Sweetspot Studio

Cover art by George Papas at Dystopia Arts

Video animation by Absynthe Moon Films

Anchor 8
The Power of Metal

Release date: September 30th 2020


Sing-along melodies, fast twin pedal drumming, high pitched vocals, technical guitar solos, rich keyboard layers and classical variations... Dragons, warriors, mysteries, swords, fantasy landscapes, magical rings and keys... It's grandious, it's pompous... It's power metal!


Johannes Støle: lead vocals, backing vocals, synth solo, additional keyboards, orchestra arrangment

Torfinn Sirnes: rhythm guitars, melody guitars, first guitar solo, keyboards, backing vocals

Daniel Palmqvist: lead guitar fills, second guitar solo

Rudolf Fredly: bass

Hugo Ribeiro: drums

Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Rhythm guitars engineered by Stein Arild Grønås

Mixed by Tommy Hansen at Jailhouse Studio, Horsens, Denmark

Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios, Helsinki, Finland

Cover art by Dimitar Nikolov

Lyric video by Absynthe Moon Films

Anchor 9
The NU Wine

Release date: October 30th 2020

NU metal took the music world by storm at the turn of the millenium by cool bands like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park. The NU metal bands combined heavy metal with hip hop, rap and industrial rock. They were highly successful and dedicated to their art but remain controversial among more traditional metal fans for their experimenting sound and image. The NU Wine is our tribute this innovative genre!


Ashtøn Chase: lead and rap vocals

Haris Dekanović: extreme vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: guitars and programming

Ståle Gismarvik: bass

Vidar Ingvaldsen: drums

Written by Torfinn Sirnes and Ashtøn Chase

Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Guitars engineered by Stein Arild Grønås

Additional editing by Johannes Støle

Mixed by Stein Arild Grønås and Vidar Ingvaldsen

Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios, Helsinki, Finland

Cover artwork by Haudry Arcila

Logo by Imran Designss

Lyric video by Stereo 27 Productions

Anchor 10
Too Close (to See Clearly)

Release date: November 30th 2020

In the last two decades of heavy metal we have seen a revival of the great metal from the past but also the emergance of many new exciting subgenres. The final song of our concept album aims to sum up the evolution of the last 20 years of metal in one four-minute song. Metalcore, symphonic metal, deathcore, folk metal, blackgaze, kawaii metal and more... Get ready for a helluva ride!


Haris Dekanović: lead vocals

Kirsten Jørgensen: lead vocals

Ashtøn Chase: rap and additional vocals

César Moreira: additional extreme vocals

Tsubaki: kawaii metal vocals

Torfinn Sirnes: guitars, keyboards and programming

John Lind: bass

Hugo Ribeiro: drums

Written by Torfinn Sirnes and Kirsten Jørgensen

Produced by Torfinn Sirnes

Additional engineering by Stein Arild Grønås

Additional sound editing by Johannes Støle

Mixed by Rudolf Fredly at Sweetspot Studio, Vedavågen, Norway

Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios, Helsinki, Finland

Cover artwork by George Papas at Dystopia Arts

Logo by Chuck Cuevas at BlaqkDesign

Lyric video by Absynthe Moon Films

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